Pizza Hut.

We built the world's biggest pizza in Minecraft!

Baner reklamowy kampanii największa pizza w Minecraft marki Pizza Hut.

the challenge.

The pandemic and the social unrest that grew with it caused users to look to the Internet for positive stimuli. Brands faced the challenge of creating unconventional communications that would interest and engage the community.

the solution.

We engaged the gamer community in a joint project with Pizza Hut. We invited a popular gaming streamer – Inareq – to coordinate. In this way, together with gamers and fans, we built a Minecraft pizza made of 2.5 million blocks! We rewarded the most active participants with discount codes.

Gif z gry Minecraft prezentujący pizzę.

We built the world's biggest pizza in Minecraft!

Gif z gry Minecraft prezentujący voucher 50 zł do Pizza Hut.Gif z gry Minecraft prezentujący pizzę.Gif z gry Minecraft.Gif z gry Minecraft prezentujący voucher 100 zł do Pizza Hut.Gif z gry Minecraft prezentujący kawałek pizzy.Gif z gry Minecraft prezentujący kawałek pizzy.Gif z gry Minecraft prezentujący zielony klocek.

the summary.

Our activities allowed Pizza Hut to strengthen its love brand status. We took care of relationship marketing and took advantage of the phygital trend, which by design connects the real and the digital.

other realizations.

Case study
Watch the spot
Google Maps
All projects
Logotyp agencji reklamowej Hand Made w kolorze białym.
Case study
Watch the spot
Google Maps
All projects